Saturday, December 30, 2006

Chau Bobe

Guide to Jewish Funeral
My wife's Mother's Mother passed away at 04:00 PM est on Thursday, December 28, 2006. Bobe (Yiddish for grandmother) and her immediate family being Jewish, the Rabbi was contacted, the Funeral arranged, the family called in and the preperations made for a service starting at noon on Friday, December 29, 2006, to be completed before 6:00 PM est, Friday, December 29, 2006 (the start of Shabbat). My wife's two younger sisters (She is the oldest of the three.) were already in towm for the holiday's. I having injured my eye (scratched cornea) stayed at my mother in law's home with my brother in law (wife's youngest sister's husband), my two children (boy 4 y.o, girl 2 y.o.) and my three nephews (middle sister's children). We all did well. We were told the funeral and graveside services where both very well done. We all got together after ward at my wife's uncle's home with all the family and friends and neighbors to cofort one another and pay our respects to Bobe's life by sharing our memories of hew with each other. We all cut out by five so that everyone could get home for Shabbat. We then reconvined at 6:00 Pm est on Saturday, December 30, 2006 (immidieatly after Shabbat for the start of Shivah.
Bobe had given me a yarmulke and Jackie had helped me learn enough transliterated (phonic) hebrew, that I was prepared and able to take part.
My family are faithful AngloSaxon, Ecumenical, Catholic, Pentecostal, Jehova Witness, Aztec, Episcapalian, etc.
It is very odd for me to be in a crowd of individuals who are doing what should be done, because "it should be done" rather then because they believe it to be the right thing to do or the right way to do a thing. It was odd finding myself to be one of the few who could keep up with the ritual.
It was the first time i felt accepted by anyone in the family other then my wife, my father in law and Bobe.
Feeling accepted; being useful;
Study to show thyself approved; a workman worthy of the master's hand.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Personality??? lol

Global Personality Test Results

Stability (33%) moderately low which suggests you are worrying, insecure, emotional, and anxious.
Orderliness (73%) high which suggests you are overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense too often of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.
Extraversion (80%) high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.

Take a Free Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Winter Change

Sleepless nights are not common for me anymore, but they still come in late autum and through the winter. It is when the old pass on in mass; when any change is so strongly vivid to me and moves within me; through me. I am more aware during this time of my gains and losses then in any other season. I think it is that nature stills and sleeps; despite my communal serperation from the land and geographical seperation from the signs and cycles I knew best, I can still feel the slow flow of natural reality outside of this human fanticy.
From a culture; upbrining; understanding that all are family; welcome; loved because all exist; all are flawed; all fail; from a point where doing your best is never good enough but always expected; to this community where none embrace you nor alow themselves to be embraced; where you do not fall out of grace or favor, but must earn each foothold one laborous moment after another. I am forever reminded how much I do not belong here; There is nowhere to escape to; the lands are overrun; the people are dead or moved on; This is home now; what home I can make of it.
More family is ill; The Saints on the mantle en la Día de los Muertos is growing ever larger; My children are knowing more people from life story whom they will never be blessed to know in life. Growing up my grand parents and thier friends where all my grand parents; as where many of the elders of The Church Of God Of Prophecy; my mother and many of her friends where my Big Brothers and Sisters (though roudy and unruly ones); the more mature of my mother's social circle where my Aunts and Uncles as where my grand parents' other children. Tio Sonny and Tio Marcus where known to me from life story; though they both lived and I did visit with them from time to time over the years of my youth; I could never bridge the gap between the living person and the life of that person as I understood them through story.
Both versions of the person where wonderful, interesting characters; just, to me, so different.
The same was true of nearly everyone I know or have known. Even my grandmother; my welita Ignacia; who was the main story teller in my life; who shared with me the pictures and stories of herself; She never to me seemed to be the same person in life as in her life stories. Even as I grew to know her through life, she was always a different person; a growing; changing; developing person. I'm not sure death can stop that kind of dynamic. I am sure their is nothing unique in my experience; it doesn't detract form its uniqueness too me as an experience, but it isn't unique to humanity. Now I am an adult stugling to embody what was best in all my elders within the life stories where they where at their best. I am thankful to have so many still with me, but we don't share life stories as much. I think I can fix that though I'm not sure how to deligate the time needed. Perhaps on these sleep deprived nights when past and present life stories mix in my minds eye so vividly with hopes and dreams (good and bad) for future chapeters.
Many are not with me in life now, but I will remember their life stories; the ones I have; and share them with my wife and children. Maybe my family at large too have missed out of a few life stories and have a few to share.
I remember those who are absent from the body, but present with GOD and through him with me and I am blessed;
Welita Ignacia my story teller and family tie. She ... Awe, to begin will take some time.
Great-Grand Mother M.J. (GGMJ) to me throughout my life kept me with story through letter about life, history, and family. We met once when I was only a year old, but I dreamt often of her face; I didn't know it was her so often present in my minds eye until as an adult at her memorial service, my Uncle David presented me with a picture of her.
Tio Victor so tall and his wife Pepe so short; Sister Philomena; Tio Frank;
Brother Bernet; Brian Bernet; Sister VanHorn; Sister Dalke;
I remember those who are embodied souls with GOD and through him with me and I am blessed;
My son Juan David; My daughter; My wife; My brothers; My Tias; My Uncle David ~"I've always been very keen in drama, so ministry just made scence"; My {Aunt}Marcia ~"Dear; I have always enjoyed your letters, but I must tell you; I am no one's Aunt; just Marcia"; My Father-In-Law (O. David); My Mother-In-Law; My mother; My father; Papi (my grand father) Juan Jose; My Tio Juan Jose ~"No one standing over six foot should be so timid"; My current church family of Mt. Zion UCC; My friends from First Unitarian Chuch of Baltimore; Powell The Church Of God Of Prophecy members, pastors, and elders who steps and missteps continue to offer guidance thanks to GOD's glorious humor; My newly met brother in Christ, James, his family, and his church

Well, time to start the day.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Baltimore Garden

The little garden in Baltimore is going very well.
The two Eggplants in the Southwest corner are about 28 inches high with tons of big purple flowers.
The honey dew has spread out from East to West in the South central section of the plot. Its many yellow flowering bulbs are starting to bulge out. The cantaloupe has followed suit in the North central section of the plot and is already producing small fruit pods everywhere.
The two steak tomatoes have taken over the Southwest corner of the garden and are doing great. We are harvesting softball size green and orange tomatoes that we ripen in the window sill.
The cucumber which started with great gusto is still dominate in the Northwest corner, but is now in competition with a Red Maple that has sprung up in our weeks of absents. I will have to dig that sapling out this week.
The sweat potatoes are doing well; sending vines up and over the fence along the East center and North center sections of the fence in the little box plot.
We only had one head per cabbage this year. I think that was due to how low I cut them when harvesting the first heads.
The bell pepper in the northwest corner is doing well do, but not as well as the rest of the plants.
Finally, in the center along the east gate just south of the garden entrance is the sweat basil which has since early spring been and continues to be a shockingly exuberant growth. The sent is so fulfilling and the production so great, that we are all very proud of this one plant. Pesto and fresh basil vinaigrette and small bags of cleaned leaves for everyone have been the norm this season.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


The textbox ‘gDfA’ has ‘table1’ as the value of its RepeatWith.
A RepeatWith must be a data region within the same containing object as the report item.

The only Data Region on my report is my data table [table1], right? Does each group in a data table become its own Data Region? Not from my understanding of RDL

SSRS RDL Export Error

Having not worked out the "Column should remain visible while scrolling" nor the Excel format issues, I decided to try another approach. In an attempt to get something like freeze column and/or Excel’s “Columns to repeat at left” and “Columns to repeat at top” working on my report viewer and printed versions of a SQL Server Reporting Services RDL report data table, I broke the table up into four copies each with the same structure and a continuation of the original fields (table 1 fields A-O, table 2 fields P-AD, table 3 fields AE-AS, table 4 fields AT-BG). Each table has the same five groupings (gA, gB, gC, gD, Details). The tables and groups are all individually identified by name, and XML Collections and Elements. The XML export renders fine as does the XML Schema. The report renders fine in the Visual Studio.Net 2005 report viewer and on the web (deployed to report manager). It renders well to PDF, and web archive (.mhtml), but when choosing to export to excel, the following error is thrown.
[Export Error;
An error occurred during local report processing;
An error occurred during rendering of the report; An error occurred during rendering of the report;
Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'Group B Value' key being added: 'Group B Value']

What? Why?

If I can just find a direct way to “freeze” the Table Columns within a SSRS Table for the reader and excel export, I’d be good to go!

Exercise tiny step

I woke at 5 am Tuesday and go out on my mountain bike by 5:15. I road around the neighborhood for 15 minutes by which time my legs were spongy and my body covered in sweat. The rain and high humidity of the morning were annoying, but I have to start somewhere even if it is with such a tiny step. I am currently weighing in at 260 pounds up 20 from December 2005 when I took this job in Baltimore and increased my commute from York, PA by 20 miles.
If I get much higher, I will start having trouble with the weight induced apnea that spurred my original weight reduction quest in 2002 from over 300 pounds.
My nature one of extreme nostalgia, as such I constantly hear/see in my mind segments from past events, thoughts, dreams, life experiences (real or imagined).
In every case regarding fitness or my lack thereof, I see my high school freshman gym teacher Ms. Voeller saying, “you keep laughing it off, but if you don’t get into shape now your going to be 30 and it will be ten times more difficult to get where you need to be. I did a lot physically, but never pushed myself and was therefore quite overweight and not physically fit.
Funny thing is that I did listen to her and from that point through high school and my failed attempt at a military career (1988-1992) , I managed to go from nearly 300 pounds to 198 pounds; from being able to endure to actually being fit.
I am lacking in good self discipline and in organizational skill even to this day and repeated this cycle being back at 280 pounds by 1994, getting back on the fitness loop in 1999 when my back started bothering me due to a compressed disk earned humping shingles (roofing) as I paid my way through college. Somewhere in 2000, I dropped the proverbial ball again and started the loop again in 2002 due to the apnea issue.
What a mess.

I checked Ms. Voeller is reported as still on the faculty, I sure hope whoever the current fat active kid is she’s talking to today, has a stronger resolve then I did.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

SSRS Report: "Column should remain visible while scroling"

Okay, I am a database developer sucked into some hundred different tasks due to the nature of my work. One is to build a ton of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services reports. I have one table based report loved by the parties that be with one request. That the report render in Excel with headers, and left columns mimicing Freeze Pane as well as doing this on the web display. Web display table header was simple enough, "Header should remain visible while scroling" and Report header/footer rows on each page" when a long way, but this doesn't answer the export format nor the left column remain visible requests.
Everything I can find suggests "Repeatwith" property should be set to a data region, but there doesn't seem to be a way of doing this within a single SSRS table.

Monday, June 05, 2006

A new bike!?

Well, I will probably destroy this bike before it is well used. I am six foot two inches tall and weigh in at 245 pounds. I just purchased and put together a $60 26" bike from Wal-Mart with a maximum carrying capacity of 198 pounds ... No, I will return it tomorrow night and find a bike I can ride without blowing the tires! LOL I haven't been on a horse since high school due to my weight, I was at 300# back in 2002/2003. The lightest I've been since 1992 is 190#... There is a place in Baltimore just a few blocks from where I work, I'll check there to see what's available for a little guy like me! LOL Anyway, I had fun this evening reading to the kids while they went nuts in the bath and I made myself an awesome fish soup for dinner... my daughter and I are going in for an allergy work up in the next few weeks... the girl's reacted with anaphylaxis symptoms twice in the past year (eggplant and cranberry juice) .. I've always had allergies, but not to kill me just make life suck for a good portion of the spring, summer and fall. .. LOL ... I didn't really go through much pain growing up in Powell, Wy ... a barren, dry, and cold climate with beautiful evergreens, cactus, sage, thermals, animals and wild life to no end, but here in the seasonal climates of South-Central PA and Baltimore, well ... yuck! ... I love the weather, climate, etc, just not what it does to my body... LOL ... I just saw an article that most people who live in the region also have the same allergy issues ... just further proof that we're all nuts... suffering these symptoms by will is no better then choosing to live on the crest of a volcano, the path of a hurricane, the middle of a flood plane, or voting for Bush, we bring misery on ourselves by our own will and actions ... LOL Anyway, off to bed...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My commute to Baltimore is only 60 minutes at a top speed of 65 miles an hour when I can pull out of the driveway by 5:30 AM. Funny how helpful having a small town/farming childhood can end up helping you in everything in life. My mother(R) and grandmother(I) and step grandfather(P) and grandfather(JJ) all had homes in town, but never stopped finding work that required early mornings. When I and my step grandfather bought a farm just five miles from the city limits it was an extending of the life we had always known due to extra jobs, summer work and P has always worked on farms doing whatever was needed for that season. Now as a techie, I work as he did minus the extreme physical exertion. LOL
I am so lucky to have had these people in my childhood. They left scars (not everything was ideal), but the blessings from my upbringing have I think outweighed the negative events of it. Funny, I never thought I would come to a point in life where I would have rather experienced all that I have then not exist at all. I think for all the blessing my dear wife(JH) has provided me since our meeting, this change in me has come from her most recent and consistent efforts in helping me stay abreast of my son(JD) and daughter(JA)'s growing up. I love being kept abreast of the latest developments as it helps me develop my interaction with them when I and they are available to spend time with each other (M,T,H 6:30pm-8:30pm;S&U 6:30am-8:30pm). Those two are so nifty!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I've heard in recent days State of the State (MD), State of the City (Baltimore, MD), and State of the Union (USA). I'm not sure what I will do with the information provided therein nor have I heard read of the current state of PA, City of York, PA or County of York, PA, but all of these are also of importance to me.
I'll need to assist dw with laundry duties today if I intend to ever see the floor of my basement workshop - my dear son and daughter have been interchanging shifts of illness to the point that the prewashed vomit soiled textiles are stacking up alarmingly beside those soiled by daily usage. I guess adding high on my list a complete home scrub down is needed.
How can one correctly divide ones time to provide financial success to ones family as well as the time and attention ones family needs and deserves? I am doing far better then my predecessors with regards to the amount of time I am able to spend with my family and the amount of financial stability I am able to provide my wife and children, but I still feel it is grossly inadequate.
What a mix of work I have ... on my job conversion of Cold Fusion and MS Access reporting systems to SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 (SSRS), VS 2005 C# Developer training, SQL Server 2005 Online Training, and assistance/recommendations in application/database environments and product implementation and architecture ... at home insulation of the main floor/basement ceiling, wood splitting for fireplace, research into a fireplace blower, insecticide deployment, participation in lives of wife, son and daughter ... at home office work on websites - First Unitarian {conversion to PHP and new host migration}; MaryPat {menu redevelopment and design flaw corrections}; Mt.Zion {content update, deployment and organizational contacts} -; organizational development in/with PLAGAL; FUCB Interweave; PFLAG of York; Mt.Zion OnA; Mt.Zion Evangelism; as well as home office organization; family genealogy and historic archival; and deployment of one windows and two Linux workstations ... I do wish I could manage these tasks more concisely ... did I mention family financial organization/planning, vacation planning, familial contact (email/letters/phone calls)??? LOL

Friday, January 27, 2006

I will have to get this matrix working. It's fundemental to my publication, but what exactly is going wrong? The view is acurately populating my datagrid. The matrix is properly displaying the detail. Why am i having such difficulty populating an inline summation of the months by row? Sql Server Reporting Services 2000 What have i missed in my processing?
Well, the office move down the road was a success. I've added a couple of links with template change to this blog. The adult Sunday School went well. I've sent an outline to the Reverands of our evangelism committee's first few plans of action. I stopped by the library and picked up more audio books. I've been though the witches of eastwick and I'm now on tick toc.
I've sill have a ton of work here ...

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Well, I've already missed three days in my quest of daily journaling.
Sunday 15th
  • wrote a letter to dgud (Dear Great Uncle D.);
  • attended FUCB (First Unitaraian Church of Baltimore) to which I've been a member since 2002 with dw (dear wife), ds (dear son) and dd (dear daughter);
  • attended FUCB lunch and congregational growth discussion
  • returned with family to York
  • attended Mt.Zion UCC Evangelism Committee meeting
Monday 16th
  • Shoe shopping - just a week ago we found for my three year old ds a toddler 12 w-wide (double wide) at the Galleria and found that there is a shoe maker out there who takes my extremely high arched wide as flippers foot into consideration (men 13.5 w-wide) SAS - SanAntonio Shoes - not very inventive name, not very inventive shoes, but they fit me. AS my current shoes where split on the soles of the balls of both feet and the inner lining was completely gone. We decided to look into SAS and try to find a pair under $150.00 (I'm seriously thinking of going back to making my own.) We did find a SAS shop in Lancaster Tanger Outlet mall and I was able to get a pair of the closest thing SAS had to dress shoes for $128.00 about half of what a pair of simmilar quality and style as I've found so far... I wish I could just phase from here to a shoe maker in Hildalgo ... I'd have a shoe made for me perfectly pay the man $45.00 US and know that neither he or i was ripped off, but "transport me to ... scotty" hasn't worked yet.
  • ds and I spent the early evening picking up the yard
Tuesday 17th
  • Back to work ... a busy day in SQL Server 2000 & Reporting Services ... another emergency grant of permissions to take care of a task that needed "immediate" attention ...
  • Dinner with the family then dw and I visited our first PFLAG of York meeting ... gfh sat with the children ...

Wednesday 18th

  • Now ptbs are wanting multi-select which means SQL Server 2005 SSRS - cool to me .... new development ran into a snag ... arguing over how to work around SPS 2003 not working with .Net Framework 2.0 ... workaround has been presented ... I hope we get fast and complete buy in to move on ...
  • I've EA line training tonight as far as I know ... I also have a growing task list ...

Task List:

  • revisit household budget
  • projections for the next 1, 3, 5 years
  • finish converting to the php platform (save $29.00/month; better CMS)
  • qa marypat site - missing table tag
  • find tux for line
  • prep for teaching adult class SS (Sunday School) this week "Hope has a Reason" session 3
  • read up "What's so amazing about Grace?" Section 1 for parenting class SS
  • continue reading "incubuse dreams"
  • continue reading "American Freemasons: Three Centuries of Building Communities"
  • find some more audio books (hour commute each way)
  • finish floor insulation (basement ceiling); includes pulling off old basement ceiling in finshed half of basement
  • convert 350+ reports to SSRS

February Lodge stated meeting is on St. Valentine's Day. It is strange that in my lifetime I've actually seen an event where attending Lodge would be a conflict with my health and family ... lol...

I'm going to have to rework my reporting process... using a subset of object specific queryies (stored procedures) takes too long to process ... wonder how the view/filter front end will function? ...

Saturday, January 14, 2006

If I understand the concepts correctly, this will be my second post of the day and in my blogging history. dear wife, dear son, dear daughter and I live in York, PA. I work in Baltimore and this weekend we are visiting my dw's immediate family who also live in Baltimore. We were all very tired last night due to my dear daughter choosing to have an hour long emotional melt down at three o'clock Friday morning so when bedtime for the children arrived at eight o'clock we (dw and I) had commiserated to join them in sleep shortly there after. My dear son became adamant that he could not sleep here in "Grandmama's house" because as he put it, "I can't sleep in my airplane bed, its at my house. I can't sleep in this bed, its not my airplane bed. I can't sleep in the guest bed, its mommy and daddy's bed. I can't sleep in Grandmama and Abu's bed. I can't sleep on the floor, its not a bed. I can't sleep downstairs, its too cold. I can't sleep in the crib, its Jillian's bed and its too small." My son is only three years old and he put into this one breath string of arguments an intensity and drama that was worthy of his father (me) and my father (ddr). My line of the family is nothing if not dramatic and given to something of a passion for going off on tangents. At any rate, we were so tired and so amazed at the extreme passion and indeed conviction behind the rant that on its third cycle we all (Grandmama, dw, and I) burst out laughing. We asked ds if he would like to go sit for a minute with Grandmama to which he agreed, but he started the cycle again immediately to her. It reminded me honestly of my childhood visitations to the Church Of God Of Prophecy during a Sunday night revival when a guest preacher was in full swing. There might have been only a bare thread connecting the rant to reality, but no one could question the conviction and passion for which it was presented. Grandmama shus'd him softly then asked if he would like to pick a special stuffed animal from her table to sleep with. Grandmama has nearly all her stuffed animal's piled together on a single table in the room where we topically lay dd and ds when visiting. This complete change of subject and rather over dramatic reference to the toys caught me as strange as my ds's current rants, but it was all that was needed to remedy the situation. A joyous, "yes", from ds and he was up the stairs to pick an old elephant and crawling into bed.
So often I find a part of me that is excited by experience just because it is new; something I've never experienced before. I find that more often then not, my experiences with my children are events my entire self rejoices in not just that one small part of me.
I have always enjoyed reading free form style writing. Outside of this I am hoping to gain some idea of my current cognitive focus. As a result this Blog will likely be an unorganized ramble through my current perceptions of past present and future events.
If anyone knows me online it is because I stand out as FirstMalone everywhere I can. Being the first Malone born to my family generation, is to me a calling card. I am nearly obsessed with respect to family history. I find great joy in learning to folk tales of the adventures/experiences of those who have existed on this planet before me and along with me. I do see this human species as a global unit even if it as a whole does not grasp the concept.
I am enjoying growing in my relationship with my wife (a.1997) , my son (b.2002) and my daughter (b.2004). My constant experiences with them have touched of more introspection and positive visible change in me then I think any other influence in my life. This is not to say there have not been a multitude of events to guide me to improvement. It is simply that their influence has been so compelling to me that I am often myself amazed by my own receptiveness to it.