Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Exercise tiny step

I woke at 5 am Tuesday and go out on my mountain bike by 5:15. I road around the neighborhood for 15 minutes by which time my legs were spongy and my body covered in sweat. The rain and high humidity of the morning were annoying, but I have to start somewhere even if it is with such a tiny step. I am currently weighing in at 260 pounds up 20 from December 2005 when I took this job in Baltimore and increased my commute from York, PA by 20 miles.
If I get much higher, I will start having trouble with the weight induced apnea that spurred my original weight reduction quest in 2002 from over 300 pounds.
My nature one of extreme nostalgia, as such I constantly hear/see in my mind segments from past events, thoughts, dreams, life experiences (real or imagined).
In every case regarding fitness or my lack thereof, I see my high school freshman gym teacher Ms. Voeller saying, “you keep laughing it off, but if you don’t get into shape now your going to be 30 and it will be ten times more difficult to get where you need to be. I did a lot physically, but never pushed myself and was therefore quite overweight and not physically fit.
Funny thing is that I did listen to her and from that point through high school and my failed attempt at a military career (1988-1992) , I managed to go from nearly 300 pounds to 198 pounds; from being able to endure to actually being fit.
I am lacking in good self discipline and in organizational skill even to this day and repeated this cycle being back at 280 pounds by 1994, getting back on the fitness loop in 1999 when my back started bothering me due to a compressed disk earned humping shingles (roofing) as I paid my way through college. Somewhere in 2000, I dropped the proverbial ball again and started the loop again in 2002 due to the apnea issue.
What a mess.

I checked Ms. Voeller is reported as still on the faculty, I sure hope whoever the current fat active kid is she’s talking to today, has a stronger resolve then I did.

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