Monday, February 26, 2007

CBT: Reshaping Your Thoughts:

Can I really get enough internal control to develop my inner world to be as well rounded as associates and acquaintances describe my external self?
What about you?
“Life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it.” - Lou Holtz
Eliminating negative self-talk will give you a fresh perspective. Once you get comfortable with this technique, it will be easier for you to cope with stress, like when your daily responsibilities make it hard for you to do a good job with your other tasks. Use this activity whenever you find you’re “awfulizing” events or engaging in extreme thinking, with words like should, always, or never.

1. What happened?
Record just the facts.

2. What went though your mind?
What was your inner voice telling you about what happened?

3. What was your emotional response to self-talk?
Label this feeling in one or two words.

4. Challenge you self-talk.
Is there any benefit to feeling this way?

5. What are some other ways to respond to the situation?
Write down all the ways you can cope more effectively.
From Relax by Healthmedia and "Thoughts and Feelings"

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