Monday, October 01, 2007

Another Day...

Wow, the day is almost over.
I think I've managed to finish my global error handling module using ASP.NET Oracle Web Event Provider, add in a record creation/selection (I really should move this to utilize the ODP.NET DAL, and pass the info to the file upload module. I will need to finish some testing tomorrow.
I also need to get back on that dialogics app and update the code. Oh and follow up with the YS pres to see if she's bothered to check out the app she was so desperate for.
I need to finish up the meeting minutes too.

I helped my ex-to-be's wife move to their new aboade in the southeast room on the main floor on Satuday. I also managed to get both of the shrubs that were in front of my front poarch cut down, removed the stump closest to the main sidewalk and bundled up all the branches. My York PA friend Orian and his lovely lady had their second son on Saturday. Very cool news.

I haven't followed up with my friend Jose, I will need to check out what he's been up to ... He's far better at keeping notes than I am.

I almost have my home offices organized. I am porting most of my workstation to a portable drive which is working out very well.

TTFN - It is always good not talking to you.

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