Friday, March 26, 2010

Puzzle Eye

I started a puzzle long ago. I was given a block of pieces fit together forming an eye looking at me. “This piece goes just like this,” the elder said as he left me to finish the rest.

The puzzle was large and complex.

Taking my time I found other parts that that fitted together making small understandable blocks, but none fit with the eye. Over time I pieced together a border many small blocks which I had worked out fit into place within the boarder, but not the eye… Surely it would go in this space here, my reason would argue against my experience.

The eye did not fit; more of the puzzle came together; the eye did not fit…

Perhaps I have made an assumption I am not aware of… What do I know?

I know, what I know may be wrong… I carefully dismantled the eye and tested each piece.

Over and over they only came together again as an eye starting at me…

More of the puzzle came together, but as always, the eye did not fit…

Take a break; walk away; come back and try again;

More of the puzzle came together; maybe the eye was not a part of this puzzle…

But then why was it here, given and left staring at me?

Or was that an assumption too?

Then I laughed; I laughed until I was short of breath and tears stained my checks.

Oh, what Joy!

Oh, what a fool I am.

I turned the eye completely round and dropped it into place.

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