Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My commute to Baltimore is only 60 minutes at a top speed of 65 miles an hour when I can pull out of the driveway by 5:30 AM. Funny how helpful having a small town/farming childhood can end up helping you in everything in life. My mother(R) and grandmother(I) and step grandfather(P) and grandfather(JJ) all had homes in town, but never stopped finding work that required early mornings. When I and my step grandfather bought a farm just five miles from the city limits it was an extending of the life we had always known due to extra jobs, summer work and P has always worked on farms doing whatever was needed for that season. Now as a techie, I work as he did minus the extreme physical exertion. LOL
I am so lucky to have had these people in my childhood. They left scars (not everything was ideal), but the blessings from my upbringing have I think outweighed the negative events of it. Funny, I never thought I would come to a point in life where I would have rather experienced all that I have then not exist at all. I think for all the blessing my dear wife(JH) has provided me since our meeting, this change in me has come from her most recent and consistent efforts in helping me stay abreast of my son(JD) and daughter(JA)'s growing up. I love being kept abreast of the latest developments as it helps me develop my interaction with them when I and they are available to spend time with each other (M,T,H 6:30pm-8:30pm;S&U 6:30am-8:30pm). Those two are so nifty!

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