Friday, June 22, 2007

aspnet_state.exe Application Error

I just moved to a new development laptop and had this issue. I had the same environment in my previous laptop without this error. My work includes development and maintenance on VB 6, 7, 7.1, and 8 as well as new bleeding edge application development so I have all environments running side-by-side … usually with a good deal of success.


On Log Off, Restart or Shutdown
aspnet_state.exe. Application Error.
The instruction at 0x6a2a2fec referenced memory
at 0x0000000c could not be "read".
Click "OK" to end program
Click "Cancel" to debug.

My Fix from the control panel:
Repair Net Framework 2.0
Repair Net Framework 3.0
Test Fix:
LogOn  LogOff  No issue


04-14-2006, 8:34 PM UTC

I had the same problem.

Note: I just want to share what I learn from this experience . . . . . DOCUMENT your actions. meaning . . every time you tried something make sure you write it down. If the action was unsuccessful . . . return it to the original state. Try to find solutions from more "Solid" sources like this one . . . not from a "Who-Knows" website

Here is the solution:

If you have visual follow this step

1. go to start
2. find Visual
3. under visual tools click the command prompt
4. first let us make sure you have install and how many version do you have. type
aspnet_regiis -lv. your root should be whatever version of .Net you have.
Note: if you don't know, one way to find out is to open visual - then - go to help menu - then click about visual . It should tell you want version of .net you have .

another way is to go to the admin tools and right click on the "Microsoft .net framework X.X"
5. now you know the version we need, lets take out the rest. First we need to completely remove all aspnet versions inside your computer. on the visual studio command prompt type
aspnet_regiis -ua.
6. type aspnet_regiis -- the computer should tell you that there are no version installed.
7. know type aspnet_regiis -i;

that should fix the problem.

For those who don't have visual

simply use the run command and type the following:
STOP: v.X.XXXX = the version of .net you have
type: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v.X.XXXX\aspnet_regiis.exe -ua
type: %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v.X.XXXX\aspnet_regiis.exe -i

NOTE: make sure you turn on Aspnet_state.exe in your computer. Go to the administrative tools and double click on service and find "ASP.NET State Service" double click it and click the start button. You can change the start type too if you want


make sure you turn on the IIS and ASP.NET state service.

that should fix it.


on the run command type "control panel"
find add and remove program
inside the add and remove program window click on the "Add/Remove Window's Component"
if "Internet Information Service (IIS)" is not check. . . . well . . . check it.

after that is done . . turn it on

when both IIS and ASPnet_State.exe are on = problem solve
I hope this article help you solve your problems. it toke me two days to solve this problem because mainly because I don't keep track of my actions and sources

if you still can't create project via visual then you you need to setup your IIS


05-19-2006, 6:55 AM UTC
Per Salmi

A screenshot would be very hard to provide as the error message pops up during shutdown of windows. GeoK´s post previously on this thread quotes exactly what the error popup says:
aspnet_state.exe. Application Error.
The instruction at 0x6a2a2fec referenced memory
at 0x0000000c could not be "read".
Click "OK" to end program
Click "Cancel" to debug.
This is a bit frustrating as we are worried about rebooting remote servers if they get stuck with an error on shutdown.
/Per Salmi


aspnet_state.exe crash during shutdown
Look at me posting something about ASP.NET on my blog! Been awhile.

So I have installed VS Team System for Software Developers on my TabletPC and my office workstation. Both machines also run VS.NET 2003 for Enterprise Architects. On both machines, every time a restart or shut down (Windows XP TabletPC Edition/Windows XP Pro), I get an error that memory could not be read for aspnet_state.exe.

I’ve googled around and found no solutions, but others are experiencing this. Some co-workers experience it occasionally.

The only “fix” I have come up with is to hack the registry settings for the ASP.NET State Service and point it to the .NET Version 1.1 instance. With that in place, the errors go away.

Anyone else seen this and have any solutions? I know that the error doesn’t really matter — it doesn’t even get logged — but it just bothers me. On a clean build, I shouldn’t get errors — that’s like having the check engine light on in a new car and just ignoring it.

Here’s what I hacked in the registry to get this error to go away. Insert legal crap that prevents me from being responsible if you crash your system by messing up your registry… no warranties here whatsoever… yada yada yada…

- Change to “ASP.NET State Service (1.1)”
- This is just for my sanity

- Change to “%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_state.exe”
- This points the service to the .NET 1.1 version of the state service

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